Photo of the week – February week #3: Table Mountain hiking at dawn

Feb 21, 2013

Early bird gets the worm, and that certainly holds true when hiking Table Mountain. The air is crisper, cooler and clearer, and the light softer. Colors are richer (often washed out and hazy later in the day), making it the ideal time for taking great photos. During the hotter months – October to March – it makes a lot of sense to start early, before it gets too hot. Starting your hike late on a hot day pretty much ruins the experience; walking uphill under a blazing sun, dripping with sweat, makes the hike unpleasant and a lot harder.

Optimize your experience of hiking Table Mountain by setting out at the crack of dawn. Nature has a way of rewarding the early riser, as a dawn hike up Table Mountain will prove to you.


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