Table Mountain up close and personal

Sep 9, 2020

Table Mountain up close and personal leaves no confusion as to why Table Mountain ranks as one of South Africa’s top sights. Naturally you want to experience it in the best possible way. Rising sheer from the beautiful city of Cape Town, this iconic landmark thoroughly deserves its triple status as National Park, World Heritage Site and New 7 Wonder of Nature.

Hiking Table Mountain optimises your experience of the mountain

Tackling the mountain on foot immerses you in one of the most unique and fascinating ecosystems on the planet. More than unique views, you get to smell, taste and feel the mountain. Many routes lead you far off the beaten track, providing you with an unforgettable experience of pristine nature.

Many routes lead up Table Mountain

Showcasing different facets of the mountain. Making use of a competent guide takes the guesswork out of route selection. Based on your fitness level, interests, experience and sense of adventure, we match you with the best route. Table Mountain hikes can be customized to suit your preferences and abilities, giving you the ultimate Table Mountain hiking experience.

Hiking Table Mountain fitness level

If you are unfit, you will take strain, possibly a lot. Still, if you are very determined and enthusiastic, you can do it. But ideally you want a moderate level of fitness so that you can enjoy the surroundings and views without battling fatigue every step of the way

The Diving Board at the top of Kasteelspoort

The Diving board is the quickest and easiest route up the 12 Apostles segment of Table Mountain. Hiking Table Mountain not only connects you with nature, but also takes you to viewpoints seen by very few visitors. If you want to get the best views, hiking Table Mountain is the way to go. The mountain covers a vast area, and the views are incredibly diverse. Hiking allows you to access different parts of the mountain, providing a range of views.

Table Mountain offers far more than views

Dramatic landscapes rival the views round every corner. Table Mountain’s grandeur is best experienced by hiking the mountain. Buttresses, ravines, pinnacles, cliffs, sculpted boulders – all combine to create a feast for the eyes. Different Table Mountain hikes lead through different terrains: there is no shortage of choice. Of all the fascinating things about the mountain, I would rate its diversity – plants, views, landscapes – top of the list.

Beyond views and grandeur, Table Mountain up close and personal offers:
  1. a chance to get away from it all.
  2. to enjoy peace and quiet in nature;
  3. to lap up some serenity and solitude.
  4. for those who seek communion with nature, hiking Table Mountain will delight.

Hiking is hands-down the best way to experience of Table Mountain. But despite its proximity to a city, and the presence of a cableway, the mountain is not to be trifled with. It is wild and rugged: the terrain is unforgiving and the weather capricious and often harsh. Best to make use of a competent and experienced guide to give you the ultimate experience.


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